68th Poetry in 20212021.05.07 02:51“Broken Bridge”This broken bridge continues eternallyI'm walking on it,without a lump to lighten my feet,without a map to find a goal,withou...
67th Poetry in 20212021.05.05 01:12Madness holds its breathin me.So, I'm madness itself.My skin, heartbeats, blood,voice, view, hands, life…Everything is madness.
66th Poetry in 20212021.05.04 02:16I'm writingto exist on this worldwhere you exist.I'm writingto allow myselfto exist on this worldwhere you exist.
Connection of Words2021.05.03 11:06Echoes_soar_regularly_Yawning_glow_wanders_Snowdrops_smell_lonely_Yesterday_yearning_growls_sharp_Piano_on_numberless_stars_swallows_sorrow_...
65th Poetry in 20212021.05.03 04:10This is punishmentto carve guilt in my vulnerable days.I'm in punishmentlest I forgive myself.
62nd Poetry in 20212021.04.14 00:05“Dreams That Survived The Fire”Dreams that survived the firestick to my soul forever,like mud that I can't take itby wiping again and again
61st Poetry in 20212021.04.13 00:47“Burning Darkness”I'm swimmingin burning darknessIt's hot,and it's freezingWhere is here?Where is the ending?Where is this placethat I feel ...
60th Poetry in 20212021.04.12 02:55“Existence”What is “existence”?What does “existence” mean?Can guilt prove “existence”?Can death prove “existence”?The answer is probably “NO...
59th Poetry in 20212021.04.11 03:34Your woeful eyesare reflections of dreamsthat you decided to say goodbye.